Falling in love is the best feeling in the world, and there can probably be no other great feeling than to be in love. It is that feeling which gives you a reason to smile and makes your life beautiful. Propose Day is the second day of Valentine's Week which is celebrated by couples and singles each year on February 8.
Happy Propose Day 2024
When you have feelings for someone special in your heart but can't tell your crush or beloved, then there could be no better day than Propose Day. So, let the feelings flow from your heart and touch the person behind your cute smile.
History of Proposal Day / How did the Propose Day Come
It is believed that Proposal Day was founded by John Michael O'Loughlin who primarily created the holiday after his cousin waited years to propose to his lover and move on with his life. O'Loughlin planned the holiday as a reminder of the possibility of proposing before life passes and becomes too late.
It is a day to reconsider your proposal, consider how a proposal can change your life, and have the courage to take risks and stick with the ones you love for the long haul. It is also the perfect time to talk to your partner about whether you want to get married and whether your life or dreams are willing to be compromised for that possibility.
How to Celebrate Propose Day?
There is no set method or way for men or women to pursue your love. You can try whatever works, but make sure it is fascinating and exciting enough to interest that special someone.
Just 3 words, “I love you”… sound so simple but it's actually a word that can't be said even if you want to. When speaking for the first time, inertia, shyness, and fear of hearing 'no' takes over the mind. Also, this first expression of love should be very beautiful and memorable, because you will remember this memory countless times for the rest of your life.
To make it even more memorable, here are some tips to make it a dreamy proposal -
Propose Day Ideas 2024
10 Ways to Propose Your Love on Propose Day -
- Maintain Personality: Don't go out of your personality. Don't copy a friend or celebrity, be your own person. For example, if you're guy is a bit of a jovial type, try not to be overly serious when proposing. Behave and dress like yourself. Girls like people with personalities.
- Meeting Place: You can take your partner to your first meeting place. After a short reminiscence, propose your love. Even if you can't do that, choose a place that is nice and not too crowded.
- On Bended Knee: Bending the knees and offering roses are classic ways to proceed with your proposal. If possible kneel down in front of your partner while proposing. Every girl likes this very much. Take the hand in your own, and then speak your mind. You will see that the consent of the sweet smile is waiting for you.
- Candlelight Proposal: There is no better way than a candlelight atmosphere at a candlelight dinner, along with some romantic music... The best thing is to reserve a corner of a restaurant for 1/2 hour. In this romantic atmosphere, your partner probably will not be able to put down your proposal.
- FM Radio Proposal: A short message on FM radio along with a romantic song. Listen together. Then wait for his/her reaction.
- Letters: A letter is a classic way of proposing. In case you're good at words, send a love letter along with a romantic gift. This may increase your chances of getting an affirmative response and don't forget to add the fragrance and flower petals.
- Rings: Don't forget to buy a nice ring. This ring is a beautiful symbol of a new relationship. Ask your partner to close her eyes. Put the ring on her hand. Then ask them to open their eyes. Now say the three words without delay.
- Language of the Proposal: Be aware of the language of the proposal. You can ask directly, "Will you marry me?" Or “I want to hold your hand for life”, “Will you be my life partner?” anything you like. But make sure that it touches the girl's heart.
- Surprising Events: If your crush loves exciting surprises, then plan a surprising event and speak your heart out.
- Beach Proposal: Beach proposal is one of the best ways to propose your love. Write down your messages on soft sand, take her there by closing her eyes and surprise her. But at the same time keep into consideration the emotional state of the partner. If he/she is upset or sad about something, let the time pass, then stay by his side as a friend.
If your beloved accepts your proposal, it will naturally boost your confidence a hundredfold. This lifelong process of mutual emotional sharing begins with 'Propose Day. Therefore, come what may to the person who is dwelling in your heart.
Propose Day Quotes Messages, Wishes, SMS, and Status
Love is the most beautiful form of emotion that is more felt than expressed. That is, everything can never be revealed. But without expressing your heart to your crush, there is no possibility to start a romantic journey. So, what could be a better way to express your love than Propose Day?
Here are some Quotes Messages, Wishes, SMS, and Status to make this day a special one-
Best Propose Day Messages for Her 2024
- You never know how love will come and find you, but when it does, you'll know it! Happy Proposal Day!
- Love means passion, love is blind, you may find a better person but I'm the best one you'll ever find!
- I promise to be by your side for the rest of my life, I will never let go of your hand.
- You are the only one I asked for from God! You are my answered prayer, my fulfilled desire, and my real dream. Will you marry me?
- Be mine and I will be yours. Happy Propose Day!
- I love my life because it gave me you, I love you
- Because you are my life!!!
- Happy Propose Day! Every moment spent with you bring me closer to you.
- Today is Propose Day, I will not propose to you again today. Let's just say that I want only you by my side every single day of my life.
Best Propose Day Wishes 2024
- Happy Propose Day! I don't want anything new from you. I just want you for a lifetime!
- Happy Propose Day! I just want nothing but to love you more than anything else! Will you give me the right?
- My heart wants to love you; it wants to express my love. Since we met, my heart and my soul have been stolen...Happy Propose Day!
- You are the source of my strength... You're the love I desired for life... You're the one who brings life to my life... Will you accept my stupidity for the rest of your life?
- I have just one special dream in my eyes, I just want you to know that I care, and will always be there. Happy Propose Day!
Best Propose Day Status 2024
- Sometimes reality is better than dreams. You’re my reality, that's why I love you!
- There are many love stories hidden around the world. But our sweetest, will you be mine?
- This may have been written by someone without our knowledge, so the future is tied to us.
- The world around us is very small. There is no fear in love. You'll find someone like that too, that I expect these days.
- Happy Propose Day! You are like medicine to me; when I see you smile, my pains are relieved…
- When you're with me, everything looks beautiful and I'm happy. Will you be mine for life?
- Happy Proposal Day!
Propose Day Quotes for Singles
"Love is not just looking at each other; it's looking in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller
"Can I keep you and never let you go? Can I hold your hand and hug you tight? Can I tell the world how lucky I am to have you in my life? Or simply, can you be mine for the rest of my life?" - Narumi Sayco
"What greater thing is there for two human souls that to feel that they are joined... to strengthen each other... to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories."- George Eliot
I don't know how you are; don't know what your heart is saying; I just decided today I'm going to say, "I LOVE YOU!"
Before asking someone as a lover, you need their consent. And this consent of the beloved must be obtained in a very decent and most beautiful way. Those who missed the opportunity to present roses to their loved ones can use Propose Day to express their love.
Moreover, it is to keep in mind that Propose Day is not just about taking that big step, it is about finding solace in rejection, knowing that life has a way of moving, and letting you know you're on the right path.