World Food Day is a worldwide celebration held on 16 October each year to ensure food security for every nation. It is observed to commemorate the foundation date of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in 1945. The day is largely celebrated throughout the world by lots of organizations working to eradicate hunger and ensure food rights. Many activities are held by other international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), World Food Program (WFP), and International Fund for Agricultural Development.
World Food Day 2024
World Food Day in 2024 will be celebrated on Monday, 16 October. It is an international day celebrated annually around the globe on October 16. The United Nations selected the day (16 October) as a commemoration of the establishment of the Food and Agriculture Organisation which was founded in 1946 on the same day.
World Food Day History
World Food Day (shortly: WFD), was founded by the Member Countries of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in November 1979 at the Organization's 20th General Conference. The Hungarian Delegation played a crucial role at the FAO's 20th Session and proposed the idea of celebrating the WFD globally. The former Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr Pál Romány led the proposal. Later on, WFD has been observed per year in over 150 countries, raising awareness of the issues behind hunger and poverty.
World Food Day Theme 2024
The Food and Agriculture Organization, every year, produces a unique theme. The first theme for WFD was introduced in 1981 with a view to providing a common focus in the areas needed for action. The theme was: "Food comes first". Last year, i.e. for 2022, the theme was "Leave NO ONE behind". For 2024 as well, the theme has been declared and it is: "Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind".
World Food Day Celebrations
The WFD celebration this year aims to increase awareness about the worth of water in food production and how it influences our lives. The Global WFD Ceremony will be held on Monday, 16 October 16, 2024. Moreover, a third edition of Junior World Food Day will be organized on October 19 featuring art, music, dance, and stories. The event is going to be mirthful and will encourage water action for food. This global event is relevant to hunger and food security for every life. The optimum aim is to battle against world hunger and make Food available for everyone.
How to Celebrate World Food Day
1. Cook a dish with worldwide ingredients
Collect items that are available throughout countries and cultures and make a meal that includes dishes from each. You can taste numerous flavors and cooking styles you may not have tried before.
2. Check out a food market
Plan to visit your nearby food market or grocery store to find out the wide variety of foods. It will be better if you ask the sellers about their cuisine, origin, culture, and cooking methods.
3. Arrange a potluck dinner
Invite your friends from different cultures and tell them to bring their favorite dishes to learn about each other's cuisine. Ask them about the ingredients and origin used for these dishes.
4. Volunteer at a community service
Make yourself available for a food pantry that gives free food to those in need. You can witness how people are struggling with poverty and hunger every day.
5. Donate food
Feed the hungry or donate food to any food drive program in your community. You can participate in the drive also. It is undoubtedly a great way to celebrate WFD.
World Food Day Speech
WFD Speeches are often required in a program or seminar. Here we give an idea that will make students or speakers understand the importance of food.
Hello everyone,
Honorable guests, judges, teachers, and my dear friends, a very good morning/afternoon to everyone present here. My name is Mark Perry, and I am a public speaker on different issues. I am here to try to say something important on World Food Day. We are definitely blessed to have meals on our plates three times a day. But there are many throughout the world, who cannot afford this or may not even have a meal once every day. Food Day, thus, is celebrated worldwide for this reason.
We can ensure food security for everyone and eradicate hunger by taking some necessary steps. Firstly, we should not waste food, feed the hunger, and look after our community. Secondly, donate to food centers that work to feed the needy. Thirdly, Organize or participate in a food drive, gather food, and serve the hungry people. This will encourage people to do something for the poor communities. Finally, create employment opportunities for them to earn a living opportunity on their own.
By doing so, I am hopeful that we can eliminate poverty and hunger and secure food for all the people. Thank you!
Happy World Food Day Wishes, Messages 2024
Here we added some inspirational World Food Day Wishes and Messages to share with your friends and family which will motivate them to value and respect food:
- Celebrate World Food Day by sharing your food with the poor, not with the rich. Happy World Food Day!
- Feeding hungry people and saving them from dying of hunger is the best way to observe Global Food Day.
- Celebrating this International Food Day by picking the right and nutritious food at a fair price and by sharing with the right people.
- No charity is as precious as sharing food. Celebrate this Food Day with the poor communities to feel the purest form of love and care.
- Be grateful to your fate for the food on the plate thrice a day. Many don't have the luxury to sleep with a filled stomach.
World Food Day 2024 Status, Captions
Here are some World Food Day Statuses and Captions that you can share on your social media accounts to raise awareness about the importance of food:
- This World Food Day, let's pray that we are successful in fighting against hunger. We all should try to ensure every living soul to provided safe, nutritious, and manageable food. #WFD
- Before consuming a single grain of food, respect the food that you have on your plate. It's a result of immense hard work that is put at various stages. #WorldFoodDay
- We must not waste any food and always respect the food we get because it is the blessing of the Almighty. Happy World Food Day!
- Stop eating a day to comprehend the suffering who live with hunger. Thank God for providing us with meals three times a day. #WFD2024
- No one can understand the value of food until he/she stays hungry for a long. Happy World Food Day! Save Food. Feed the poor.
World Food Day Quotes
Below we have compiled some meaningful Food Quotes to share with your loved ones on World Food Day:
"Food is the moral right of all who are born into this world." — Norman Borlang
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." — Virginia Woolf
"Food is our common ground, a universal experience." — James Beard
"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are." — Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
"First we eat, then we do everything else." — M.F.K. Fisher
"Food, in the end, in our own tradition, is something holy. It's not about nutrients and calories. It's about sharing. It's about honesty. It's about identity." — Louise Fresco
"If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him... the people who give you their food give you their heart." — Cesar Chavez
"Food is art, and food is love. And we should show love and appreciation for those who cook it by eating it with relish." — Mark Bittman
"Laughter is brightest in the place where the food is." - Irish Proverb
"There is no love sincerer than the love of food." — George Bernard Shaw
"Food is not rational. Food is culture, habit, craving, and identity." — Jonathan Safran Foer
In the concluding section of World Food Day, we can say that October 16th is observed globally as World Food Day to raise awareness about food. The day set a global platform to talk about the challenges of food security and malnutrition. The main goal of celebrating the event is to advocate for equal access to good food and water for everyone.